6 Tips For Artists On To ‘How To Asses An Opportunity’

Sidd Ahmed
3 min readSep 22, 2021


Photo by Marty O’Neill on Unsplash

A decade ago, we would have never imagined the advancement of technology. The mere thought that we could share our talent and skills with people and companies worldwide sounded impossible. With digitization, we have come closer to each other. We have the opportunity as artists to earn money and share our unique skills with a larger audience.

Opportunities for artists are rising every day, especially since the pandemic where people have moved towards freelancing and upscaling their skills. Digitization and technology have created an opportunity for upcoming artists to rise. One of the questions that bother every artist is how they should assess and negotiate their options.

Every artist who starts a new venture in the market faces this challenging question. There is always a dilemma about how to assess the opportunity and the factors for negotiation. In the present times, with several people across the globe moving towards freelancing services, these are questions that are bound to arise in mind.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Every artist’s opportunities are different and are determined by the situation. Although situations can be different, we can have some common grounds for decision-making.

We have a few insights to share with you, and they’re mentioned below to make your decision-making easy.

Consider the learning opportunities:

Learning is fundamental at every stage of life. For any artist, upscaling their skills is a must. Every chance you take up must offer something valuable to you regarding learning, making sure you consider the learning opportunities.

Determine what you are offering to the client or organization:

You need to be clear about what you are contributing to the client with the necessary specifications

Focus on learning as the central aspect:

In the initial stages of the career, it is essential to focus on learning as the primary goal. Every artist should integrate themselves with knowledge.

Consider every opportunity:

Latch-up upon every opportunity provided to you to learn and develop your skills and abilities.

Develop your process:

There is a process that you need to build for yourself, so gradually focus on progressing.

Keep the interest of both parties in mind:

Negotiating is an art, and you need to keep both parties’ interests in mind. While negotiating one should focus on the needs of both parties and have a thorough understanding of the market competitors.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Opportunities for upcoming artists are significant, but it is crucial to find the right option for yourself. The decision-making is all based upon how you assess the opportunity and negotiate.



Sidd Ahmed
Sidd Ahmed

Written by Sidd Ahmed

Sidd Ahmed is a brand focused on empowering the youth to recognize their dreams and giving them the platform to achieve their goals.

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